I’ve had quite a few comments and messages from people who have read The Immortal Realm and who are really cut up about the problems Tania and Edric are going through - and begging me to let them know what will happen between them.
Of course, I’m not about to give a chunk of the plot of the next two books away, but I’ve tried to reassure these worried readers that Tania does meet Edric again in The Enchanted Quest…but that he’s dabbling even more in the Dark Arts. In fact, there’s this one scene where…nah! I’m not going to tell you that!
Anyway, my point here is that till now everyone has been hoping things will work out for Tania and Edric - but does everyone wish that?
I had one comment along the lines of: Hey, Tania - dump Edric - Connor rocks! So - anyone got an opinion about that?
By the way, I already know what happens - but you’re going to have to wait to find out. Sorry. Meanwhile - who are you rooting forĀ - Edric or Connor?
Over to you!
Nevermind I Lost the Poem I Wrote
EDRIC!!!!!! All the way just because he is dabbling in the dark arts doesnt mean he is a bad person! And Just like Frewin says LOVE LASTS FOREVER IN FAERIE so even if connor and tania get together, edric and tania will always have a connection that tania and connor will never have so ther realy is NO POINT!!!!!! people serious and besides LOVE LASTS FOREVER in my book also means that love can withstand all and in the first book if edric wasnt her TRUE LOVE he would be able to sidestep into the two worlds with her so in a few words THEY ARE DESTINED TO BE TOGETHER PEOPLE please dont fight with me on this i am really good at guessing what happens in books there should only be on or maybe two people tat shoul know differently Frewin and the publisher but if anyone wants to talk to me email me at jennifer_nchole66@yahoo.com and make sure you write in the subject its about the books
I can’t stop liking Edric. He was so nice.
I do like Connor as well but I would like to see him with perhaps Rathina..
my email is jennifer_nichole66@yahoo.com i forgot the i sorry and i do like connor as well and i would aso like tosee him with rathina she deserves happiness….
i want connor to be with tania
Im sorry, but I just think it should be Edric! I thought love never dies in Faerie! And we know FOR SURE that Edric was once Tania’s true love because the prophecy said that the only other person who could walk both worlds was the seventh daughter’s (Tania’s) true love!
Well actually Tania can bring whoever she loves as long as they also love her.
Thats true but….. I just feel like Edric really loves her for her. And Connor loves Tania for what she is, a Faerie princess.
Exactly that is almost my exact thought, it’s just that Edric has loved her ever since they first met, he didn’t mean to fall in love with her but it just sort of happened when he got to know her for the REAL her not the Faerie Princess her and Connor just Suddenly “Loves” her when he finds out she lives in a magical land with her being one of Seven Princesses. Seriously he Never Loved her Before, why would he Love her for herself now.
Yea it’s almost like Connor loves her for being powerful. He was getting kinda pushy when they were headed for Caer Fior….
Edric, Conor is just a friend who she used to like.
Zoey, You Mean when they stopped for the night and they talked about the Constellations and Such, and his voice changed?
huh? his voice didn’t change tania got all awkaward on him and started choking up
it’s like a right triangle sort of, connor and edric at the bottom and tania at the top, tania’s attraction for connor is minor and for edric is greater because the line between them is longer and the line between connor and tania is shorter.(though is getting longer he he he )
and what do you mean connor got all pushy? like a pushover? because if anyone is a pushover it’s tania toward edric I mean after he was like “click your heels like in the wizard of oz” tania was like ” i want you edric! i’ll marry you i’ll do anything you want! lets run away togther if that’s what you want!” that is a pushover.
Yes but she just didnt want to see him go. She was so upset when he did. She just want to be back in his arms. And she thought that by saying she wanted to marry him was a way of stoping him. But after all that time she had to think u never know she may have truely wanted to marry him. But I dont think he should have stormed off like he did when she told him that she didnt want to marry him. Shes so used the mortal world and u not getting married until like ur mid 20’s and getting married at 16 that was a big shocker. But when i first read that part i was like what u really love him dont u so u should marry him.
Nuh Uh that’s just her wanting to be with him and such. the only reason carolina, is because um oh yeah tania said they were”too young” (even though they’re like five hundred and sixteen you know). So after she knew that one of the only ways to be with him and then marry him in a few years like she planned was to marry him, NOT FORCED UPON HER, it was just sort of thrust upon her. She had to choose between two Narrow Pathways and she tried to choose the one that would lead to love not sorrow and horribleness. Carolina I bet you actually like Lord Aldritch. Try to guess why?
who would ever think that two boys could make soooo much conversation!lol but i still like edric best and rember love can never die in farie so… it would b really hard for taina to stop loving edric! would’nt it????? and by the way addie with every comment you make i like u more and more!lol
Thank you, I like you liz, your awesome. I wish my friend Silvermoon were more like you. She never actually read the book and she said not it’s too girly and such, and I like books about nasty things and vampires. Do you think Tania is like one of those really girly Fairies in some books. To me she’s more of a warrior then A girly girl princess Faeire. My friend’s not really one to read books for fun. For two months I tried to get her to read it. Finally I got so mad i didn’t talk to her for like a week. Then on the way to our softball game (were on the same Team) She said “I read a little bit of it online, It sounds really good.” then i asked her “oh yeah what’s the name of it?” she said “Um I don’t remember, all i know is it was a faerie book.” i said, “What’s the main characters name?” “i don’t know.” After a week or so she admitted she didn’t, she was just trying to make me feel better.
I mean like he said, quote ‘I could help’ when Tania admitted she wasnt quite over edric. and when he kept trying to show he loved her that night under the stars. it all seemed a bit…. fast if you know what i mean.
thats a bumber addie.
but i understand what you mean everytime i tell one of my friends what the books are about they laugh at me! they just dont understand! i usualy laugh with them but not really mean it!lol and i think that taina is more of a warrior too. i mean the way she fought in book 3! but it was really sad when zara died!
That’s what i was saying she could make a different sacrafice so she can bring zara and the others that died back to life.
oooo that would be soooo cool!
Thank You, I think you the Nicest person I’ve “Talked” to, you can email me at my website.
Thank You, I think your the Nicest person I’ve “Talked” to, you can email me at my website.
ok where can i find ur email address? do you have a facebook or anything like that? cuz im getting a facebook for my b day this year we could chat!lol
wait……….what does thinking tania is a pushover have to do with liking lord ardricht or whatever? that doesn’t make sense! tania is a pushover edric is obviously somewhat over her and she’s doing whatever it takes to stay with him and doing whatever he wants………..thus she is a pushover. I mean come on, she should get over edric and find someone else! it doesn’t have to be connor it could be anyone! If she got back together with edric it would be extremely cliche`! And just because love won’t die in faerie now doesn’t mean it can’t when tania has to make that sacrifice…….hence tania COULD leave edric and vice versa.
I don’t have a facebook but you see i have a website it is allanfrewinjones.webs.com and so it has my email and stuff it’s under “My Email”
ok thanks addie! and carolina edric can NOT be over taia rember how he looked at the right b4 he left he hasatated! he MUST b thinking just as much about her as she is about him! i would die if they broke up! they r ment for each other! he will prob come back saying “you r still my sun!” or someting carming like that and they will kiss and every ting will b happy again!!!!!
What i meant by I bet you like Lord Aldritch because He is Technically Keeping Edric from Tania
Just Saying, so then Connor can get to Tania. That’s What i mean
it wouldn’t be charming ew! It would be so cliche! I mean if they got back together it would have to be a little less cliche!
will i was making it up on the spot corolina! and i think that lord aldritch is delipretly keeping edric away form taina just to weaken her, after all she hated drake he could b after revenge!
Thank you Liz, you see, what reason would Aldritch have for keeping Edric, he doesn’t need any more help, and they would probably just die of the plague. Lord Aldritch Hates Tania. Let’s see, she dissapeared on their wedding night, she got him banished to Ynis Maw, She was part of the Killing of his son, and she supposedly “brought” the plague into Faerie. Why he just Wants to torture her.
i think that while Edrics separated from Tania, the Dark arts will grow in him, only Tania should be able to pull him out and turn him back to good that would be interesting to read,
I really think Edric and Tania should stay together, when he asked her to marry him, I was like FINALLY! Connor should end up with Rathina, Like it could be a hate love thing to make it interesting
thats my point excacly!!!!! or he could also b punishing obron cuz he banished drake, or it could b that he is just plain evil after all he did agree to not join the huge battle did he???? NO! one of the many resons i hate him!
she should definitely stay with Eric you can’t just drop him what would happen to him.
i hate Lord Aldritch too!!!!!!!!!!! i wish he could just die…..
Eric????? do you mean Edric?
Hey you know what would be funny? Tania loves Edric and Edric loves Tania but Connor loves Tania and Rathina loves Connor and it turns out that lord aldritch has another son who loves Tania(actually loves her-not like Drake) and lord aldritch’s(the first letters in his name dont deserve caps) son kidnaps her. Then Rathina and Connor go to save her and realize on the way that they love eachother….. does that make any sense?
yah i like that but then you would have the prob about two people again would be in love with tania. and if she fell in love with a blood relitive of HIM i mean drake (i never say his first name out loud other wise i gag!) i would pesonly go in the book and murder his brother!
Well it would be against Tania’s will and she would still love Edric
oh would she have to kill him?
If she has to kill him, she’ll probably disobey the divine harper. even though he left her, she loves edric
ooh i thought of something. So… IF Lord Aldritch Dies of the Plague, then Edric would be free right, so then maybe he is dabbling in the dark arts by trying to FIND Tania. How about that.
ooooo thats awsome no Alditch and edric and taina could get back together! and then when edric finds taina she could get all angey at him for doing the dark arts and help him get off of doing it so that way they would bond and then conner and edric could start fighting over taina!
I LOVE that Liz!