hello there
first of all, apologies for not writing anything here for a while - I got caught up with other things and kept putting it off and off. In fact it was Claudia who said - hey, you haven’t written anything for months. That spurred me on.
In my defence we have also just moved home. If any of you have moved home, you will know how much time that all takes. Claudia and I now have a very nice house in Kent, and I have a brand new study in which I can do my writing. The picture shows my desk and a few of my book shelves and book cases - there are plenty more - and I still have to sort out all my books, which got randomly shoved onto shelves shortly after the move, just to get them out of the cardboard boxes.
Anyway - most of my time has been spent recently on my new spy-boy series for the UK - Codename Quicksilver. I think the books worked really well and I’m very pleased with them.
My other series, The Six Crowns, which I co-wrote with illustrator Gary Chalk is still being published in America - book five of the series: Sargasso Skies, was released in July. Reviewers are saying the series is like Redwall meets The Lord of the Rings - which is great! That was pretty much the idea we were going for when we came up with the series.
Some of you will remember that I promised to write a short story to be posted on this blog - a Faerie Path story that would tie up all the loose ends left at the end of book 6. Well, I’m still hoping to get that done all these months later. The real problem is finding the time to write something just for love - I know a lot of you were really looking forward to this story a while back - and hopefully you still are. First of all, I’m going to re-read the entire Faerie Path series so I can get myself back into that world, then I’m really hoping to get writing - very soon, if all goes according to plan.
I’ll keep you updated more regularly now, I promise.

My new Writing Room
Hi, Mr. Jones! I’m really glad you’re back, and I’m looking forward to your new stories!
AFJ. Thanks, Celine. I’m going to start plotting the wrap-up story this week. I’m hoping to have something on-line before the end of the year - but I’m careful not to make promises, jut in case I get inundated with other work. I spent four hours on Saturday sorting out my books - now I can find things again.
please publish more books for the Faerie Path series!~ > w < I loved it soooooo much and want to know what happened to Oberon !!~