People have been asking me for an update on the situation with The Faerie Path series. Here’s the low-down, as I know it in May 2009.
The original trilogy is now out in both Hardback and Paperback editions.
These are:
Book 1: The Faerie Path
Book 2: The Lost Queen
Book 3: The Sorcerer King/The Seventh Daughter
The reason for the two titles for book 3 is that it is called The Sorcerer King in hardback edition and The Seventh Daughter in paperback. Apart from that the two books are exactly the same. The change of title was generated by the Publishers, because they decided that “The Seventh Daughter” was a more reader-friendly title than The Sorcerer King.
Of the second Faerie Path trilogy, the latest is:
Book 4: The Immortal Realm
Is out in hardback (May 2009) – and will appear in paperback form, so I am told, in 12 months time.
Book 5: The enchanted Quest
This is written and ready for publication. It is due to be published in February 2010 in hardback, and, as with The Immortal Realm, will be released in paperback form 12 months later.
Book 6: ???? (No title as yet)
I have been gathering ideas and plotlines for this book over the past few months. I am due to have a meeting with the UK editors in June 2009, where the storylines will be discussed and a “final” plot worked out. (I write “final” like that because things tend to change during the actual writing process).
This sixth book will then go through the usual two-tier editing process (once in the UK – once by the Publishers Harper Collins in New York) with the aim to have it finished by the end of this year. It will then be published in February 2011 in hardback form, and in a paperback edition 12 months later.