We’ve been on holiday. Well, when I say “been”, I don’t mean we actually went anywhere - but Claudia took a couple of weeks off work and I cleared my desk of things to do and Claudia’s parents flew in from Germany to stay with us for two weeks of sun and fun and lounging in the garden and eating and drinking way too much.
So far, so good. By the way, the reason we didn’t go away was that we don’t like to leave Siouxsie alone. Now this may sound crazy to some of you, but Siouxsie our 18 year old cat is used to having people around most of the time, and we think she would get really distressed to be left on her own while we went away on holiday - so we stay home.
Well, long story short, Claudia’s Mom got ill - in fact she got so ill, that we had to call an ambulance at 4 in the morning and have her taken to hospital. A major fly in the ointment is that Claudia’s parents don’t speak very much English (Claudia’s German, in case you don’t remember or didn’t know) so Claudia had to translate between her Mom and the doctors in the hospital.
Anyway, Claudia’s Mom recovered quite quickly and within two days she was well enough to be discharged from the hospital - but while Claudia was driving her Mom back here, the cat got ill! The poor thing was howling and running around and hiding in corners and it was very distressing. Claudia couldn’t believe it when she got home at 9 in the evening with her Mom and I told her about Siouxsie.
I went online and found an all night emergency vet not too far away, and we bundled Siouxsie into her basket and drove off. Siouxsie, by the way, really hates travelling, and howls all the way - plus she was in pain so there were double howlings! The vet gave her some pain killers and anti-biotics and we went home. Siouxsie fell asleep on the bed and Claudia fell asleep on the couch - until 4 in the morning, when Siouxsie started howling again. We got back in the car and went back to the emergency vet for more pain killers.
That gave us until 8.45 am when we were able to visit our normal vet. Siouxsie was given a good examination - and she was very quiet and good - apparently the pain killer included morphine, she she was pretty much spaced-out after two shots and her eyes were like dinner-plates. The vet said she most likely had a form of cystitis and that we should carry on with the antibiotics.
Good news is that Siouxsie is much better now, in fact she’s just settling down for an early morning sleep on the old office armchair next to me right now as I type. The other good news - and proof that Fate can work in strange ways to do good things - is that the doctors in the hospital here in London have finally diagnosed what has been wrong with Claudia’sMom for some time, and which the German doctors missed! So we’re all hopeful that she will make a full recovery.
And finally, Claudia phoned her partner in the company where she’s Office Manager and told him the sorry tale of her “holiday” and he agreed to cover for her for a few days more - so she’s not going back to work till Thursday night!
So, that was our summer vacation. I do have a lot of stuff to tell you, but it’s 7 in the morning now and Claudia has just woken up and asked me what I’m doing up working so early, so I guess I’ll sign off for now and get back to you soon with news of a Radio Broadcast I’m booked to do later in the year, as well as the fact that the first advance copies of Sundered Lands book one have arrived at my place and someone has asked me whether I’d like to write a short story for a fantasy/romance anthology. Oh, and probably a couple of other things, too.
Meanwhile, I’m off to make some coffee for Claudia and to mash up the last of Siouxsie’s antibiotic pills into some chocolate milkshake - that cat loves chocolate milkshake!
I hope your Summer Vacations turn out to be more relaxing than mine! But for the next week or so I’m going to laze around watching the Tennis at Wimbledon on TV.
Wow. That sounds really interesting and it must have been a really busy time. I’m glad things are better now.
im so sorry that your vatcation didnt amount up to what you were expecting! im glade for you that everyone is doing better from the sound of it your cat is very spoiled eating chocolate milkshakes! my cats are spoiled to though, its just hard not to give them what they want when they look at you with such big pleading eyes
The poor cat! My cat has been ill as well. She has been yowling and vomiting (gross, i know)all over the house. We don’t plan to take her to the vet, though. She’s seventeen and we expect she won’t be long for the world.
for a moment there i thought it was a bot fly! ew ew ew trust me no one wants to get bitten by one of those X( hehehe allan you love to spoil your cat dont u? in cat years how much does 18 = ? hmmmm…. well im glad everyone is feeling better =)
AFJ. Apparently in human years, Siouxsie would be about 88 - so she’s doing very well - but I have read of cats that live into their twenties - and I think the oldest ever was in her thirties!!! We think by the age of 88, the cat deserved to be…well…pampered…we do the pam - she does the per..or purrr…hmmm, tiny joke there! I’ll go now. Did anyone watch that amazing Wimbledon tennis match today between Mahut and Isner??
Ok- this is random, but I’ve always wondered: What order do the sisters come in in The Faerie Path series? I know Eden is the eldest, Tania is the youngest, and Rathina is the second youngest, but where do all of the other sisters fall??
so how old is siouxsie really like in real years not cat? my cats are very young but i still have nightmares about them dieing…
and Rachael-im really sorry to hear about you cat
its not easy letting a member of the family leave
tennis? umm no…..
AFJ. Sorry for the delay in responding - my broadband has been down since Thursday afternoon. Other people have asked Rachel’s question before - so is there anyone out there who remembers the answer to the order in which the Princesses were born?
Liz - Siouxsie is 18 in real years, but the vet says she looks 12!
Aimee - well, I don’t really like much sport to be honest, but an afternoon in front of the TV once a year watching Wimbledon with a glass of wine and my feet up is kind of pleasant in a lazy way.
mr. allan you really love siouxsie dont you? where did you get her? from a friend, an animal shelter, or a present?
AFJ. Daniela - oh, yes, Claudia and I are both totally crazy about her! How did we get her? Oh, you’re going to love this! When Claudia and I were first together, we bought three gerbils as pets from a pet shop at the bottom of our road. One Saturday, Claudia said - let’s go and get some gerbil food. So, innocently, I went - and she led me to the back of the store where there was this absolutely gorgeous black kitten. Of course, she’d set me up and we decided to buy the kitten. But then Claudia said the kitten would be sad all alone, and pointed to a tortie in the next cage along. The tortie was Siouxsie. Half an hour later, I had them both in a cardboard box and on the way home. That was in 1992. The black cat, Merle, died a couple of years ago, so now we’re totally devoted to looking after Siouxsie. You’re going to think I’m insane, but Siouxsie gets me up at 4.30 am most days for her breakfast. then I fall back into bed till about 6am, when she needs her second breakfast. Then I’m allowed to sleep till about 7.30, when she gets fed up with me being in bed and yells at me until I get up.
thats a really nice story, about how you got siouxsie. all of my cats were rescued. i love hearing the storys you tell about siouxsie, she sounds like she has a ton of great personality!
Eden, Hopie, Sancha, Cordelia, Zara, Rathina, Tania
Is that right?
thats what i thought too addie… but i always have gotten Sancha, Cordelia, and Hopie mixed up…
ohhh! thats so sweet! =D what happened to the gerbils? ….. wait she has 2 breakfast? haha thats so cute how she wakes u up so early =D we had to get 2 cats because if u only get one it will be lonely and i was running out of patience because our cat scratches me till i bleed so i begged my parents to get another one =). haha your so luck to have her!
liz- were the prevous onwers not treating them well? it breaks my heart when people dont treat animals with dignity.
Its so flustrating when I cant write down what I see so clearly in my mind. Im trying to write a book but I cant seem to accurately describe what I see. Only certain scenes when I just think of it can I do that,writing what comes next is hard. I have a plot and story and all that but its filling in the blanks thats difficult.any suggestions Mr.Jones?????
AFJ. Addie - I’m pretty sure that’s the right order for the princesses.
Daniela - the gerbils lived to a ripe old age and were buried in the garden with all due ceremony. They were called Charlotte, Emily and Anne - anyone know where I got the names? Clue - they were three sisters, all of whom wrote books.
Mandy - there’s no quick fox for your problem, I’m afraid. All I can suggest is that you read and read and read - and try to work out how other authors do the job. Then write and write and write - eventually you’ll get it right. I wrote 12 complete books before I got one published - they were all part of learning the craft of writing. Hey - if any of you people also write (I know you do!), you might like to give Mandy some tips. You know - things that have helped you. Of course, there’s always that new book of mine - Writing For Children…
The names of your gerbils are the names of the Bronte Sisters!
Mandy- I get that a lot, too. I would have an idea, but then after I get it down, I have no clue what to write next. I would suggest a few things: either reread what you just wrote, think of your book as a movie and what would best come next (or combine the two!), or go back earlier in your book and change some things, or make them better.
Thanks Addie!! That makes sense!
daniela- one of my cats, Maddy, was found in a dumpster by the local animal shelter, Coco was found by one of my moms co workers one the side of the road with a long scratch down one of his hind legs, he was half dead, and Bennie was a stray found by the same shelter Maddy was.
Mandy- what i always do when im trying to fill in gaps is try to but myself into the story and write down what i would see and think.