I have received a box of copies of the third book in the Destiny’s Path series: Merion of the Stones, which has just been published.
Just to recap for those who may not know, Destiny’s Path is the British title for the series published in America as Warrior Princess. So, Merion of the Stones is a reprint of The Emerald Flame.
If you would like to own a signed copy of this book, all you have to do is to write to me and give me the full names of the four Shining Ones - and you’ve already got one right here!
Don’t send your replies as comments to this blog - send them via my Contacts page. The first ten people who write in with the correct answer will get a copy of the book.
On the Faerie Path front, things have not changed since last I posted - I’m going to chase up information about the audio version soon, and I’ll let you know as soon as there are any developments.
I’m still working on my new spy-boy series, Codename Quicksilver, the first two books of which are due to be published in the UK in July this year.